Caramel Panna Cotta

I have a serious love hate relationship when it comes to the likes of spring. It’s the first week in and already we’ve been dealt days that have felt almost apocalyptic. The hot wind has battered us, lifting sprays of dust into the air which quickly reminds me why I really do dislike the warmer months. The days are beginning to have the tell tale shimmer of heat on the horizon whereas the evenings are still cool enough to warrant not changing the doona to its lighter variety.

The warmth is bittersweet. Seeing the land burst into colour thanks to the various species of wildflowers is glorious to see. However a looming dry spell is starting to tighten the reins on our land again. It’s been a quick transition between vibrant yellows and pinks to insipid greens and dusty brown expanses of land. A transformation I think I can speak for everyone when I say, we’re not delighted to witness.

The love side of my relationship with this season takes form in my garden. Although I can’t say I have an extensive yard worthy of showcasing in Better Homes and Gardens - I can barely keep weeds alive - the one that I do have still fills me with joy when I look over it from my dining room window.

After a trip to our local ‘city’, my two tiny garden beds are filled to the brim with cornflowers and strawflowers. Two of our six vegetable pods is now planted with 4 rows of basil, coriander and strawberries. The herbs coincide with a now comfortable rogue cedar tree who quickly took root after I abandoned it there in its pot. I appreciate its fierceness to survive and it’s a constant point of contention between my husband and I. He would like to rip it out as it slaps your face when you walk past. I quite like it there, lucky to be short enough for its quarrelsome limb to pass over my head on the way past. It’s the first of the many cedar trees we've planted over the years to have burst back into life after winter - seemingly punctuating its right to exist regardless of my husband.

We will make our way gradually into longer, hotter days. The fire bucket will be put aside to make way for afternoon soirees by the poolside again. Warming, filling desserts will be replaced by refreshing flavours and cooling textures. Although I’m sad to see end of winter, it will be nice to allow the house to breathe by opening the windows and letting some of those spring rays in. I plan to enjoy the cooler evenings as best I can before I turn into a puddle under the aircon for the next 6 months.

Caramel Panna Cotta

Caramel Panna Cotta

Yield: 4 medium ramekins
Author: Ainsley Fuster


  • 300ml thickened cream
  • 100ml whole milk
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 gelatine sheets - 3 for a firmer set panna cotta


Panna Cotta
  1. Place gelatine sheets into a bowl and cover completely with water. Set aside.
  2. Pour cream, milk, vanilla and salt into a microwave safe jug. Heat the mixture on high in the microwave for 2 minutes or until steaming. Set aside.
  3. In a heavy based medium saucepan over medium-low heat, sprinkle caster sugar across the bottom in an even layer. Do not stir. Once 50% of the sugar has started to melt, gently swirl the saucepan to help encourage the remaining sugar to melt.
  4. Once the sugar has completely melted and is a deep amber colour, reduce stove temperature to low and carefully pour in the hot milk mixture. Stir with a heat proof spatula. The caramel may solidify at this point, just keep stirring until caramel has melted and combined.
  5. Remove from the heat and pour evenly into 4 ramekins. Allow to cool completely to room temperature before placing into the fridge to chill completely for up to 3 hours, or over night.
  6. Serve directly from the ramekin or invert onto a plate. Dipping each ramekin into hot water for a few seconds will melt the sides and help it slide out of the ramekin easily.
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