Hazelnut Delights

There really isn’t a better pairing of flavours than chocolate and hazelnut. Separately, both have a very understandable cult following. I think I would struggle to find a restaurant or food place that didn’t offer some variation of one or the other on its dessert card. Together, it’s a match made in heaven. So much so that for the unknowing, they could be tricked into thinking that both ingredients are harvested from the same tree as their harmony together is unforgettable.

I suppose the popularity of the combination of hazelnut and chocolate can be justified by the oh-so-popular Nutella spread – and for good reason. Ferrero really knew what they were onto something the day that first jar of Nutella emerged from their factory conveyer belts. It’s a staple in so many households around the world. One that I’ll admit didn’t grace the shelves in our pantry growing up. Whether it was due to the fact that it was a relatively new spread for Australia in the early 90s or that the thought of chocolate on toast for breakfast – outrageous! Or at least it was for my outback family at the time.

The lack of Nutella in my childhood has allowed plenty of room for catch-up in my adult life. Having a French fiancée, I have to (although I can hardly say it was a compromise) ensure that our pantry is stocked with the delightful chocolate spread. Crepes, pancakes, waffles, croissants, toast, muffins – anything that stays still for too long around here will be lathered in it! We’ve even managed to convert my mum into a bit of a Nutella fanatic.

In saying all this, it’s no surprise that when the craving for a chocolate biscuit resulted in the creation of these “Hazelnut Delight Biscuits”. Sometimes a simple chocolate chip biscuit just doesn’t quite satisfy the craving for something indulgent. Although certainly a good option, occasionally the moment needs for hazelnuts, chocolate and a whole lot of decadence.  

Hazelnut Delights

Hazelnut Delights

Yield: 18 Large Filled Biscuits
Author: Ainsley Young


  • 240g plain flour
  • 40g cocoa powder
  • 1/2tsp baking powder
  • 115g unsalted butter - softened
  • 130g caster sugar
  • 105g brown sugar
  • 2 eggs - room temperature
  • 2 cups Nutella
  • 1tsp vanilla paste
  • 150g hazelnuts - finely chopped


  1. Sift together the flour, cocoa and baking powder - set aside. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter until smooth. Add the sugars and continue to beat for about 3-5minutes or until light and creamy. Add eggs, one at a time and beat well between additions. Beat in vanilla and 1 cup of Nutella, scrap the sides and bottom of the bowl to ensure it's well mixed. To this, add in the sifted flour mixture, one half at a time. Beat until just combined. Cover bowl and place in the fridge to chill for a minimum of 1 hour or overnight.
  2. Line 3 large baking trays with baking paper and preheat oven to 175℃. Using a biscuit scoop or a 1 tbsp measure, scoop balls of mixture on to the prepared trays. Roll the balls between your hands before pressing each one into the chopped hazelnuts and placing back on the tray - 3cm between each.
  3. Bake for 10-13 minutes or until the hazelnuts start to turn golden brown and the middle of the biscuits are set. Allow to cool on the trays. Repeat with remaining trays.
  4. To ice the biscuits, place the remaining Nutella into a medium ZipLoc bag. Snip off a 10mm opening from one corner of the bag to create a piping bag. Squeeze the desired amount of filling onto one half of the biscuit before topping with the other half. Repeat with remaining biscuits and refrigerate to help 'set' the filling.


Smaller biscuits can be made simply by scooping small quantities (ie. 1tsp) of mixture to form balls before baking. Reduce baking time by 5 minutes to ensure biscuits do not overcook.

Biscuits can be stored at a cool room temperature, or in the fridge, in an airtight container for up to a week or frozen for 3 months.

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