Hummingbird Slice

With the arrival of autumn brings with it my first autumnal based blog recipe for the year. And I for one couldn't be happier to the see the end of summer. It has roasted us all beyond reason this year and I suspect in the years to come, each summer will continuously do so.

Having lived in the far western NSW outback now for almost 30 years, I never remember the summers out here being so hot. Or at least, so tirelessly constant in its heat. As a kid, I remember summer was a season to be excited for. Swimming Carnivals, BBQs, visits to our local pub for weekend catchups with friends. Yes, the days were hot but not to the point where the simplicity of going to social events was a task in itself. To the point where we’d consider if the trip to said event is worth the risk of the car drive there in case of breakdown in 45+ degree heat. Or were lukewarm drinks even worth bringing along after the ice was well and truly melted after 3 hours.

There is the option that my childhood memories were simply tainted by rose coloured glasses of course. A kid isn’t likely to be affected by the constant heat as an adult might. This is of course entirely possible and the summers as a 10 year old weren’t much different to those now. Alas, from all accounts, the seasons have changed. Blame global warming, or the processes of a decade long weather cycle - it’s pretty indisputable that even the past 5 years have seen persistent new records pushing the mercury upwards with each year. With long periods of heat stretching weeks before a cool reprieve.

Be it what you will, all I know is that the summer drains me. I find it zaps my creativity and drive to do anything other than sleep during the heat of the day, only to find my energy return during the cooler hours of night. Sometimes even into the very first hours of the morning.

Ironic as it is, I wanted to celebrate the looming cooler months with this Hummingbird Slice. Traditionally endowed with all the flavours of summer, being coconut, pineapple and pecans. I thought it poetic to use it as a ‘transitional’ dessert for the current time of the year. Rich, fluffy cream cheese icing layered onto a light but substantial cake base could be enjoyed in both seasons. Perfect to have on hand when the weather just can’t decide if it wants to finally let us off the hook or roast us further - just a cheeky 40+ degree day in the middle of the week to really drive that nail home!

Humming Bird Slice

Humming Bird Slice

Yield: 23cm x 33cm Slice
Author: Ainsley Fuster
Discover an incredible fusion of flavours in my signature Hummingbird Slice, where luscious pineapple, crunchy pecans, and rich (heat-stable!) cream cheese icing pairs for a delicious afternoon tea treat!


  • 4 large eggs
  • 210g brown sugar
  • 250g sunflower oil (or vegetable)
  • 280g cake flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 450g (2 x 440g tins) crushed pineapple - drained weight
  • 3 large overripe bananas
  • 3/4 cup + 1/4 cup pecans, divided - chopped
Cream Cheese Icing
  • 500g cream cheese - room temperature
  • 80g icing sugar - sifted
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 7g powdered gelatine
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 250ml thickened whipping cream


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease and line a rectangular cake pan roughly 23cm x 33cm x 5cm.
  2. Prepare pecans by roughly chopping. Pour both cans of crushed pineapple into a strainer, set aside to fully strain while you complete the next steps.
  3. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the brown sugar and eggs until light and fluffy. About 5 minutes. Slowly pour in the oil and continue to beat until combined.
  4. Sift into the egg mixture the flour, salt, baking powder, bicarb soda, nutmeg and cinnamon. Gently let the mixer fold through the ingredients until most dry spots are gone.
  5. Fold through the ¾ cup chopped pecans and pineapple using a spatula. Pour into prepared tin and bake in oven for 40-50 minutes or until the top is golden brown and a toothpick can be cleanly removed from the middle. *Watch carefully around the 40 minute mark as overcooking can lead to a dry and crumbly slice base. If a few wet crumbs remain on the toothpick after this time and the batter doesn’t wobble when gently jiggling the cake pan, remove from the oven. It will continue to cook for 5 minutes after removing it.*
  6. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely in the cake pan. Only remove the base from the tin and place on a rack when completely cooled and ready to ice.
Cream Cheese Icing
  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk cream cheese for 5-6 minutes or until light and fluffy. Sift icing sugar into the cream cheese and add vanilla. Continue to mix until sugar has been absorbed.
  2. In a small bowl, pour in water and evenly sprinkle gelatine across the top. Allow to sit and 'bloom' for 5 minutes. Heat in the microwave for 5 second intervals, stirring in between, to fully liquify the gelatine.
  3. Stir 1 tbsp of cream cheese mixture into the gelatine before adding into the remaining cream cheese - immediately beat on medium-high to incorporate gelatine. Set aside.
  4. In another bowl, whip the cream until stiff peaks. Add this to the cream cheese mixture and gently fold through until the icing is completely smooth and creamy.
  5. If it's a hot day, allow the icing to chill in the fridge for 20-30 minutes (folding 1-2 times throughout) to help it thicken before using. *The addition of gelatine will make the icing set in the fridge so don't leave it in there longer than 30 minutes before icing the slice.*
To Finish
  1. Generously smooth the cream cheese icing over the cooled slice base and sprinkle with remaining chopped pecans.
  2. Slice into portions and enjoy. Keep in an air-tight container in the fridge in very hot climates if possible, or on the counter for cooler days.


  • The portion for the icing is very generous. If you prefer a slice with a smaller layer of cream cheese icing, feel free to the halve the recipe.

  • This recipe can also be used to make a 2-tiered 9inch layer cake. Just watch closely while baking the cake layers as the bake time can only take 30 minutes to cook.

  • Other garnishes could include freshly ground nutmeg, walnuts or toasted coconut flakes.
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